Glitch Idea

Hi Guys,

Any idea where I can find setup of cool Glitchs to use in Flame? I am finding the matchbox a little bit basic. I would like to play more. Any plugin?

Thank you,

Go crazy with some motion vectors (datamosh style) and some world p.

I think there was a Flame 2018 tutorial that talked about world P.

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What sort of glitches? Like WhatsApp video call? Sapphire time thingy plus crok it was something like halftone. (Can’t check matchboxes since the website seems to be down)

Boris Effects have some interesting ones as defaults and all adjustable.
BCC Stylize / BCC Video Glitch

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Thank you Richard… Actaully I am looking for something easy to play with the director.

Cool John…this is what I am looking for. Thank you.

Sapphire TV Damage and There’s also a TV channel changing Sapphire.

Plus, Flames Damage is quite good.

I really like ls_poly matchbox.

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Have you tried jiggling the power cord on the client monitor?