Hardware accumulator can't copy region

So we just had this yesterday… I went though everything and couldn’t solve it… Then I started to try to pre-render a bunch of stuff out of action and what I found was that there was an image with a diffuse map where the diffuse map wasn’t included in the output. As soon as I “ALT-E”'d it, everything just worked. I’m sure it’s not the same issue for all, but that solved it here.

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Had this hardware accumulator problem today. 2022.3. There were no paint nodes related to the problem - it was in my main comp action. I hid everything and unhid till I found which layer was causing the problem. Had to do some high jinks to fix it. This is a PITA. Has there been any word from ADSK about this?

I’ve got this again, tracked it down to one frame, (fr70).
If I turn mo blur off, it renders, but with it on, it throws an error.

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I also had it again and it turning off action motion blur made it stop. So I did the motion blur in batch.

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interesting, so same scenario?

Yeah, sounds like it. I didn’t track down the problematic frame(s) though.

Got it today in an action in batch, using 23.0.2 on linux.

It’s just 1 frame supers that are animated and I can render them out with motionblur off. As soon as I enable moblur, the rendering will have the hardware accumulator error on the first frane the super appears.

Now coming to the interesting part. When I activate moblur in action, but deactivate it on every surface, it will render through with no errors, but also with visible moblur?!

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EXACT behavior today, motion blur active in a specific action unable to render with dreaded “hardwareaccumulator can’t copy region”. Turn off surface motion blur, renders and axis motion blur still works. Can keep working now, thank you so much!

This worked for me, thanks Naveen