Has De Ageing got any easier these days

Hi Everyone,
I’ve about 10 shots that a lady to look considerably younger.(30 years) I know this topic has been talked about in the past but that was a good few years ago. Has anyone got any hidden gems in the way of software that they know of that can make this easier. At the moment i’m going to look at a 2d approach in Flame, Before i investigate 3rd party assist but i’d love to know if anyone has any ideas. TIA

Hey @Marcus_M
I was recently looking for an AI solution. These guys have a proprietary software for it, but there are ways to keep it in Flame as well :wink:

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It’s been a while since I did any in Flame, but tracking patches, paint, even wireless are your friends. As Sinan says, mostly done with AI these days.

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Take a look at STIT (Stitch-In-Time) or StyleGanEX

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Check out this. Nevr used it but vould help

Hi Marcus, yes, we do offer those services using our proprietary AI Face Swap tech.

Reach out if you want to know more.
