I’m about half way through transitioning our systems (and users) over from Z Central to HP Anyware. One of our artists has tried everything but seems to experience poor results in HP Anyware but consistently high results in Z Central. Whenever I use the products I’m constantly monitoring how much bandwidth each one is using and generally speaking I can get incredibly great results using HP Anyware while using far less data.
I’m kind of scratching my head here. Has anyone else seen/experienced this? Why would the product with the bigger data draw give him far better and more consistent performance? Any thoughts on this would be greatly appreciated even if they are wild unsubstantiated theories.
Good question! Our host machines are Lenovo P620’s, Z8’s, and a few other options in that world. They are all running Rocky 8.7 other than one that is running Cent still. On the client side of things, he’s usually using a mac book pro to connect, but I just lent him a thread ripper mini pc running Windows and he’s getting the same kind of results. The health monitor always shows ‘good’ from my understanding.
We use Anyware and I find it to be terrible. The Anyware monitor pretty much always says Good with a latency of 9ms… but there is just no way on earth its actually that low. Anyware says 9ms but a traceroute says 20-30ms. It frequently goes blocky during playback and struggles to get up to 24fps. I suspect the networking and Anyware settings just havent been tuned properly.
About the traceroute, it shows signal to the office makes 12 hops. At the very beginning of pandemic, before some big infrastructure changes, i could traceroute to the office and have 3 hops w 2ms latency. Just verizon fios local router → onto a zayo backbone → then into the office. I miss those days… that was an amazing connection.
I don’t really have anything to add other than the fact that I think Teradici is fucking garbage. I just want to give Nice another run after this job. Maybe it’s a different experience if you’re going Linux to Linux but Mac to Linux, PC to Linux, and even PC to PC and Mac to Mac is just trash.
My experience with NiceDCV wasn’t very impressive either. And audio always got fucked up. It is actually much harder to configure too. But given the “gold standard” reputation that Teradici has, it is underwhelming. Wish that Parsec did a Linux agent, but it’s Mac/Win only. Unbelievable state of the industry.
We do Teradici Linux/Mac agent to exclusively Linux client. The performance is acceptable for in-frequent remote work. But nowhere near native display feel. Although it is quite reliable which is Zcentral definitely was not.
@randy For sure… but I guess my point is that the graphics agent is working great for me and most other people. It’s really just one artist who is running in to these issues. So… I lean towards thinking that it’s not really a configuration issue so much as it is something else. Especially since he has tried connecting to multiple machines and for some reason gets consistently better performance from HPZ and Anydesk. I would have expected better results for him with Anyware since the bandwidth usage is typically much lower.
@knhn The number of hops is definitely something I’m suspicious of. This artist lives quite close to our studio, but he is on a different network and the number of hops is staggering considering that I could likely hit a golf ball to his apartment.
@KuleshovEffect I haven’t tried Jump… I don’t think they offer a Linux version. We’ve used Anydesk quite successfully, there are just some basic limitations in Anydesk that don’t allow for things like Wacom pen pressure or high quality video playback.
I’ve been doing a bit of the footwork to sort out our remote setups. I’m “somewhat” glad to hear my pain is not an isolated issue. It’s insane that Teradici is the standard. Espeically for our people connecting mac to mac. They (mac folk) prefer Jump (which I have no love for) which I believe will become an issue as we start to tighten up some things on the security side. I would love to geve Parsec or Nice a try if they could come through with all the server/client combos we need.
I had discounted it because it is more expensive than Parsec but I might look into Reemo.io again and test it out. Works using Chrome Remote Desktop so I have some reservations about it but you never know unless you try.
No, I haven’t tried. I just copied that text directly from their website when I was having a look. It’s weird that they said it’s not supported on one page and then on that matrix they say it is.