HP Anyware

Hi all,

We’ve been working in a hybrid setup for the past couple of years now. We’ve given our artists the flexibility to work from home or from the office as much as they’d like. But we do both. What we’ve found as we’ve been looking to move to HP Anyware, is that this doesn’t work the way it used to. It seems like the way it works now is that it starts an X session on a virtual monitor when you connect. This means that if you were to walk up to that same machine the next day (locally) and try to use it, you would have to go through a bit of a process to get yourself back in to a graphics environment.

So… my question is… has anybody else found themselves in this predicament? If so, what are you doing about it?

Many thanks & fist bumps in advance,

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Our CTO built a slack app that’s great. In a certain channel we can enter something like /appname setmon machine-name gdm/pcoip. I can set it to gdm from my phone while on on the train headed to the office.

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The only thing I have to do is type “startx” when I’m local. Then login. The rest is free. Right?

In theory… yes… but this feels like the kind of thing that could go wrong during that switch over or a restart and then simply not work. I could be wrong about that, and maybe that works flawlessly… call me old fashioned, but if after a reboot my screen is blank I don’t feel like anything works.

What we were planning on doing before any of this showed up, was to put NUC boxes on the desk and then work “remote-from-local” so the local experience would be the same as the remote one. Maybe this will accelerate this process since it would eliminate the blank-screen-of-doubt.