Importing iphone videos and photos to flame

Hey guys,
Holidays are here, and the family is constantly asking me to edit clips of video from my iphone or edit photos we’ve taken.

Is there anyway of importing .mov HEVC files, and or .HEIC photos into flame?

Strada AI editing ?

It’s more of the experience of just quickly doing it in flame.

Plus it’s fun for the family to watch me do it, it helps them grasp a small bit of what we do as flamers.

I’ll check that out.

I’ve imported ProRes .mov files (overkill?) from my iPhone 13 into Flame without a problem.


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iPhone video comes in many colorspace flavouyrs usually mediainfo reveals what it is

AppleLog is Applelog/Rec202

HDR HLG/2020.

photos → all hope is lost

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Good to know I’ll look into that.

Bam that was the ticket!
Here’s how to set it up if anyone wants to do it.

  1. Open Settings
  2. Select Camera
  3. Select Formats
  4. Toggle Apple ProRes to on

If you download the Blackmagic camera app (free!) you can access sh*loads of settings (incl colourspace), but also which flavour of ProRes you wish. I also have FilmicPro (which is great) but if you download it now, or update it (which I haven’t) they’ve gone subscription. Blackmagic app is the way to go for more hands-on. You’ll love it…

Also, as a side-note, if you want to go iPhone only for editing, LumaFusion is amazing for an iPhone app.


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depending on phone you can also record appleLog which is the best
iPhone 15 Pro and up

BM camera is much better. i also made a LUT pack for it to match many other cameras

Awesome! Thanks dude!

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