Launching Flame from Applications or the Dock means you are missing out on potentially vital information in the App Console. If you need to troubleshoot error messages or odd behavior, or if you are writing Python scripts then this tip is for you.
This example uses Mac Catalina 10.15.5 and in my particular case I am using a Z shell, or ZSH. You may be using Bash. l to create an alias to launch Flame 2021.1. Be sure to substitute your version of Flame and whether or not you are using Bash or Z.
Which Shell are you using? Open a Terminal. If it looks like this you are using Z shell.
That is really slick! For some reason it isn’t working for me though. Everything looks the same following the video and my flame version is correct. I get “-bash: flame: command not found” after typing in “flame” or “Flame”.
I have been using “/opt/Autodesk/flame_2021.1/bin/” and that works but definitely not as cool as just typing in flame.
OS version is Catalina 10.15.6. When opening the new terminal it says “The default interactive shell is now zsh. To update your account to use zsh, please run chsh -s /bin/zsh.”
Ah…so looks like you were using Bash! It’s a different interactive shell. So, do everything the same as I did in the video, but, instead of modifying the ~/.zshrc file, edit the ~/.bash_profile
Great stuff here guys, thanks for sharing! Here’s my version of the launching Flame using terminal and mac shortcuts (Automator & AppleScripts). There’s a ReadMe file that explains how to “install” and use this stuff, but post any questions.