
@randy - that’s a good news story that I’m thankful for brother.
Don’t forget that you may need to temporarily suspend or redirect your cron job while working locally.

I updated the README to include instructions for symbolic link commands for Linux:

    # Create a test directory for LOGIK-PROJEKTS:
    sudo mkdir -p -m 777 /home/shared/PROJEKTS


    # Link /PROJEKTS to test PROJEKTS directory:
    sudo ln -s /home/shared/PROJEKTS /PROJEKTS


    # Reboot workstation: (optional)
    sudo reboot


    # unlink /PROJEKTS before linking to alternative PROJEKTS directory:
    sudo unlink /PROJEKTS


    # Link /PROJEKTS to alternative PROJEKTS directory: (examples)
    sudo ln -s /mnt/NAS_FAST/PROJEKTS /PROJEKTS
    sudo ln -s /mnt/NAS_SLOW/PROJEKTS /PROJEKTS
    sudo ln -s /Volumes/My_Lucid_Link_Drive/PROJEKTS /PROJEKTS
    sudo ln -s /Volumes/Client_Lucid_Link_Drive/PROJEKTS /PROJEKTS
