Looking for suggestions/content for future Logik Lives!

Keep us all posted man

Interesting you are using it for review. Don’t know it has good review tools. More on an asset management tool I think.

It has review and shot/project management right now that are being further developed. Not yet in the realm of a ftrack or NIM but heading in the right direction

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I think he meant “review” in the sense of “reviewing its capability…” as in “evaluating” if you will.


Kitsu has some pretty good review tools. Including the the option to remotely join and sync to ongoing playlist based sessions. Ayon integration with Kitsu is meh… but they are constantly improving their toolset.

Yeah, I’d love to see an exploration on ShotGrid alternatives focusing on their Flame integrations obviously.

Wasnt there a proptotype for a Flame-Kitsu integration somewhere?


We had NIM on a couple of years ago. Does anyone know of any products besides NIM, Flow Production (ShotGrid) and ftrack that have (or have had) Flame integration?


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@ALan - it might work for you - it’s shot based - you would have to consider bridging the gap to integrated sequence publish

what about an in-depth matchbox / logik matchbox run down. Many of these tools don’t say what they’re intended for or how to best use them. It could be quite helpful for users to have a better handle on.


I just heard from Ftrack, that they have Flame integration in pre-release testing.

@Alan - for about 8 years…

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Thanks, Alan. Can you email me the contact info for the person you spoke with?

The pre-release demo is insanely underwhelming. I hope there’s more coming otherwise there’s literally no point.

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Figures… This follow-up makes more sense now.

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DEFINITELY do one on @philm projket! He’s shown me stuff and it’s KILLER! Really really impressive stuff.