You know the one that every music video with a heavy bass used a few years back, and possibly Batman too!
Sadly I’m unfamiliar. Looking for motion blur/shake/vibration timed to music?
I’ve worked out a good one. I’ll post it when I’ve finished. It’s just a manual key frame slip of a couple of 2D transforms. And lots of writing down of frame numbers.
Don’t forget you can animate driven by audio frequencies.
I don’t remember who gave this to me, but I think it’s what you need.
Thanks! That was the one I was looking for. I had this setup once upon a time - I think I worked with the “Andy”
I ended up making a pretty basic one up which did the whole frame rather that the deform. Just copied each Transform and slid the key-frames to match the audio.
Saved here if anyone needs it.
Great stuff, these always come in handy, so many ways to do this type of thing.