You don’t pay extra for the glossy one. That’s the standard one.
Running on Mac I’m assuming @Jonhollis?
@Jonhollis Is the nano the glossy one? If so then they charge us extra down under.
Hi John, ‘Nano is not the glossy one.
No - nano is the diffused Matt one. Standard is glossy.
May I ask if the Apple Pro XDR is better than the Eizo ColorEdge CG319X?
I`ve found some reviews indicating the Lg 5k UltraFine has the same PPI as the XDR “218PPI”.
FYI: I do more cinema/beauty work.
We have a bunch of these, and for the film work we do, the huge amount of screen real estate is great. 5120x2160
If it’s any help, I have seen hundreds of Eizo’s out in the wild and rarely, rarely see any Apple Pro Displays out there.
wow, guys thank you very much, that is perfect and fits my budget at the moment!
God Bless!
What’s it like working on a curved screen? Not problematic? I didn’t even know those were made anymore.
No, its great. You can either have it as one giant 5120x2160, or split it 50/50, 80/20, or how we run it 75/25 so we have 1 screen that is UHD and the other is 1270x2160 which displays only the MediaPanel… it is an awesome way to work. You have this large work area for your actual image, and then just a small vertical strip for the Libraries.
Looks well worth the $ then.
It is, we have 8 of them.
Do you buy directly from Dell, or have you found better deals?
Dell usually is the best price for their gear.
So the System sees it as 2 Monitors? One UHD and your “media panel” resolution screen?
correct…you must connect 2 inputs