Is there a way to mount a removable drive and see it in Flame without having to quit the software first, plugging in the drive then running Flame again?
I think there are certain newer drives that linux machines just won’t read. Aside from that, I usually open up the Centos version of file manager (Dolphin??) and make sure I can see the contents if it doesn’t pop right up in flame after a refresh. I think a lot of the ability to see it immediately without any dicking around may have to do with the file system on the drive, but I’m just sort of guessing.
Thanks guys, I’ll give this a whirl on Monday
What i do is if i have flame running and plug in a USB drive i open up a file manager on the drive. Thatautomatically mounts the drive in the top level in Flame. it usually has a compliocated long string of numbers name.
BUT i dont know how to unmount it easily without quiting flame. well it gets you half way at least!
Thanks for all the tips. I can now mount a drive while Flame is running but can’t unmount, it says the drive is in use. Even if I come out of Media Hub the software is holding on to it.
Thanks for the tip. I was using the drop down that appears top right and getting the error when unmounting, I’ll try the Dolphin method next time I’m in (covid permitting)