Yes, do you not see it on ?
There’s a direct link in the OP.
Yes, do you not see it on ?
There’s a direct link in the OP.
If I could make another suggestion Ted… couldn’t you nab the axis UI elements from @lewis wireless sidecar so one could position a little more effectively? It’s pretty easy to grab, repo and go with those handles.
And apologies upfront if it was there and I missed it.
Have to update the set. Thanks!
Nice one! Thanks!
I can copy what Wireless does, but note that I can’t visually connect the line to the axis:
That UI Axis interface is provided by Flame, but it returns normalized coordinates (0 - 1) instead of the resolution-based coordinates that Flame’s tracker uses. I can translate between the two behind the scenes, but I can’t ‘push’ the converted coordinates to the UI.
You can see what I mean in Wireless - the Axis doesn’t stick to the line when you move the Start track and End track fields. I could give you an Axis in GradTrack, but it would float somewhere in the frame disconnected from the rest of the UI. But if that’s preferable to what I have now, it’s easy to implement!
Also I barely know what I’m doing, so if anyone has a solution to this problem I’d love to learn.
@KuleshovEffect - it’s good work, and a great effort, and generously gracious of you to contribute to the community.
Kill the effort for now.
Climb a mountain.
Watch a sunset.
Look at the ocean.
Consider how a dolphin finds it’s breakfast.
Meditate on the problem for a moment.
The Autodesk team will help you when you get back.
(Or one of us will help you- and by us I don’t mean me - because, well, I’m thick as a plank of wood, but one of our church will hook you up with some science, i mean faith)
Take a break from being brilliant and kind - almost everyone else is.
Dang… I love you people!!!
@KuleshovEffect This 4-point-function would be a life saver right now
Is this one by any chance already in the Matchbox to download and try?
Hello Ted,
Thank you for creating and sharing GradTrack! It’s AWESOME!
And… Thank you for taking the time to write an updated version with four trackers! I’m super grateful!
As a temporary solution, here’s a simple way to create handles to quickly move the Start and End tracks (for those times when a manual track is our only option).
Thank you, Erik!!
If I were to distribute this as a Batch Archive, instead of just a node, I could pre-package the expressions required to have UI controls. I’ll give that a try soon!
Also, if anyone is interested, I have a functional-but-not-perfect beta version of the four point gradient. Please DM me directly for the latest version if you’d like to give it a spin.
-Ted (110.0 KB)
I’ve grouped a setup that uses Borzi’s expression idea with an action. No need to use context views
Thanks for the matchbox @KuleshovEffect and thanks for sharing @borzi!!!
As promised during my presentation on Logik Live yesterday:
Here is the 4-point gradient version of KE_GradTrack!
It also includes an Icon option for the Adjust field, so you can drag an axis icon in the UI. However, due to Matchbox limitations, the icon is disconnected from the point. (51.6 KB)
I’m getting an error from logik-matchbook at the moment, so forum denizens get first dibs.
And also as promised during Logik Live, KE_GradTrack_Upgrade is now available in the Batch Setups tab of Logik Portal!
This provides an expression-linked Action node that will give you interactive control of your Point Adjust fields - no more floating axes!
See it in use during my demo:
Amazing ! Thanks a lot for what you do @KuleshovEffect