New Matchbox - KE Gradient Tracker

I wrote a new Matchbox shader that continuously samples the color under two trackable points and creates a smooth gradient between them: (49.6 KB)

Here’s a demo:

Give it a spin and let me know what you think!
I could probably create a 4-point version if there’s any interest.

Thanks to Ivar and the people on Shadertoy who are way smarter than I am.



Very cool. And thanks for a professional demo and explanation.

Definitely see lots of uses for this.


i use the lightbox CC node in Action and set the light to rectangle with a big falloff to do this, this is def super handy and prob a lot less clicks. alpha output is a nice touch as well. thx for sharing.

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Awesome! This is something I’ve wanted in the gradient node forever.

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Well done Ted. Should definitely be doing VO professionally man…


This is great. Thanks, Ted.

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AMAZING! Thanks so much, Ted! :clap:t2: :clap:t2: :clap:t2:

I’ve been doing by hand for decades, THANK YOU :sparkles:

Love it !! What a great idea, that was missing and you solved it ! thank you :slight_smile:

Great idea, thank you!

Works very well!

I was surprised by how the gradient color shifted quickly to another color.
Is it locking at a single pixel?
Add to increase the sample Blur to reduce this shift but result in less accuracy.

Maybe looking at a wider area for both point and average the value can maybe result in less color shift.
Or maybe I’m missing something

However, it’s very impressive after a first use.
Will be useful in many situations!
Thank you for sharing

This is what I’ve always wanted from the default gradient tool, amazing.


If Sample Blur is set to 0 it should be looking at a single pixel.

Increasing Sample Blur should average a wider area around that pixel.

Let me know if that’s not happening!



I see !! Probably push to hard on it !
Should be perfect

I’ve been using this shader on a job for the last few weeks and it has been KEY! Can’t thank you enough for making this available to the community.


I would buy you multiple beers if you could make 4-points or more. So far 2 is working great but a lot of times I’m trying to sample around multiple areas to blend it all together.


I’ve used it too in different job since you release it and it’s definitely a tool to have in the pocket…
Well done and thank you again !
Option for four point could be a very nice one👌

@KuleshovEffect this is so cool! Thank you!! It makes me think of a matchbox I’ve been thinking about for a long time that if you’re ever bored/ looking for new ideas, etc, I dunno. But I’m gonna throw it out there (and if anyone is already doing this in a simple way in batch throw it out there!) It would sample the darkest average of pixels throughout a frame, but over slices of the frame (think a 1616 grid) and give you an output that is just that 1616 or whatever adjustable number of grid squares that is just those darkest pixels throughout the shot changing dynamically as the blacks in those regions lift or crush. You could adjust the softness of the grid and also maybe scatter to avoid hard edges (this could also be done post matchbox, wouldn’t need to be included). We could use this to flash blacks for 2d or cg elements, using it as a max lighten layer overtop the element to always be sure to never drop below a blackpoint. Wouldn’t work for everything but could be helpful!

@KuleshovEffect - Thank you for this! I used it today, and it was just was the doctor ordered!

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Is this one part of the Logic Matchbox set?