Nuke and OpenClip

Hey Phil, what was broken with it that made it unworkable for you?

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Hey Chris,

When the Sequence Publish with batch group was originally introduced it was possible to do the following:

  1. Conform a multi track timeline, often from RAW, MXF or QuickTime.
  2. Rename all tracks, shots, and segments.
  3. Publish to image sequences.
  4. The resultant batch groups would comprise the transcoded sources as segment clips.

Over time this got broken:
Only steps 1-3 remain predictable.
Step 4: batch groups contained bottom-most layer of transcoded media, but upper layers pointed to source clips.

I reported it some time ago, but reported it again in the recent cycle and Fred confirmed that the problem is fixed.

FP-03176 Sequence Publish - Create Batch Group malfunction

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Got it. Yeah, itā€™s a pain having to re-link those clips on the other tracks when they fail.

That being said, for me itā€™s less of a hassle to double click the unlinked read nodes and select the missing published layer than to rebuild a connected conform with new openclips or patternbrowsed clips.

But I hear you.

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There are many workarounds.
It is encouraging to think that the fix is just around the corner, and older, more efficient workflows can be re-employed.


multitracks indeed where semi broken, also frameranges where all over the place if you had plate03 start 10 frames later than plate01.

I do love the speed openclips give me and the linking to batch groups for us this works really well - apart from the above issues with multitracks.

That said, I dont ingest ā€œrawā€ camers sources to flame due to the lack of metadata handeling, i write them with resolve and then press ā€œskipā€ when writing plates to the same place with flame so it only writes a openclip and not a new plate so the plate actually has all the metadata and you can read it with nuke. its cumbersome af but i am a big metadata fan and I can deal with this.

for fast commercials I skip all this and publish straight from flame and write me files, its such a great way to collaborate it makes me so happy having comps show up reliably in my timeline, ive been trying this with patterbrowsing and nukestudio for years and it never was something I can trust, i havent had the published openclips fail on me (yet)

regarding the speed of pbrowsed oclips, why would building them from shotroot be a problem it shoukd only scan anything with a token, the rest is absolute?

If you are transcoding in another app and conforming with soft-imported clips there is also the option to exploit hard or soft links when publishing.

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ive never gotten this to work proper but yes. i just say write it where it allready is and then itll just go ā€œskipā€ and boom.

being able to have a openclip ā€œapiā€ where I can do what inwant would be great

Try this

A bit of a demo here:

Waiting for @finnjaeger to test. I know you are dealing with the lucid link debacle.


hola Iā€™m nuke :heart::heart::heart:

ā€¦ Iā€™m openclipholicā€¦

I have included an example Nuke Write node using the tool.
You will need to edit two entries in the AfterRender code to point to you python executable and the update_openclip tool.
Doing this in the write node is really uncomfortableā€¦ I recommend edinting the expression in a script editor or using something like KnobScripter in Nuke


ReadNode should be as easy to implementā€¦. later.



I have added more automation to the read node and made the write node less cryptic (python path and script path are exposed to the UI now)


Is anyone able to provide me with any of the following:

Basic After Effects project file with input clip, and render characteristics for a comp?

Empty Maya file with render characteristics?
Empty 3DS Max file with render characteristics?
Empty Houdini file with render characteristics?
Empty Cinema 4D file with render characteristics?

i can provide houdini stuff, the rest is not part of my pipeline :joy:

what di you mean with render characteristics?

I can help with After Effects, 3DsMax and C4D.

Iā€™m not clear what you mean with render characteristics either.

Long ago and buried deep in my dinosaur bones I used to use After Effects and it was possible to add a comp to a render queue and set up some render characteristics - frame range, file type, numbering, naming etc.

I havenā€™t used the software for so many years so I donā€™t know if thatā€™s still valid.

In Maya I would normally establish the project or shot specific information, assign a render camera and populate the render characteristics/attributes with relevant information.

Maya, Houdini, Blender and 3DS appear to have robust python integration, and can have their scripts modified to accept project or shot related variables.

After Effects, Cinema 4D, resolve - not so much.

I spent a little bit of time this week making a tool for flame which iā€™m preparing to share.

It scans the flame shots directory, and builds nuke scripts for a predefined set of tasks - color, comp, paint, precomp, roto, whatever.

Then it makes empty pattern-based openclips that await population by a nuke render.
When the render takes place the openclip gets updated.

I figure this might be a useful tool for prepping shots for other members of a team.


Just pushed a bunch of small updates. Let me know of any questions.


thats amazing, i build a publish node instead of the write node, to keep it seperate, ill send that over to you

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