Openclip / nuke/flame / version zero /publish - ideas

Hey Guys.
I’ve been trying to find out a good solution for something its very time consuming i have to do every start of the job…

Mostly using flame as the main brain of the job but shots are widely spread between flame and nuke (more so in nuke nowadays since its the model most post houses adapt in the UK)
I tend to work with version zeros (so that’s the base skeleton of the edit) that will have the main source of the live action (timecode/resolution/framerange/naming will be locked by this version zero) - So at the moment I have to export a version zero for nuke and one for flame.

For nuke shots i need to create individual nuke scripts using the version zeros as a base and for flame too (in flame is very quick to create using create shot batch etc)

for nuke I use pattern browsing from this version zero exported to build my timeline and on flame I use openclip (since I can actually update those from batch write node).

So i have the initial timeline with 3 layers (1- version zero base layer no vfx / 2- nuke pattern browsing renders / 3 - flame open clip renders) which is great as i can update all nuke and flame versions with one click and everything gets organized.

All works great but normally is very time consuming setting up that initially (especially nuke scripts, reconform pattern browsing,open clips etc)

Is there a world where on the publishing phase I can export the version zero and this automatically create openclip for flame and nuke (using pattern system for naming and paths etc) and that automatically populate my timeline with those openclips? Maintaining all the handles/resizes/tw etc of the original version zero on the timeline… like a clone of the timeline layer 1 and creating a layer 2 and layer 3 automatically with nuke/flame openclips.

Hope it makes sense… or if there any solution via pyflame maybe?

Would love to know some opinions also if someone is actually using similar sort of pipeline to build up the timeline to see if i improve the way i work :slight_smile:

You really should look at @philm’s Projekt. It does version zero’s. It also creates the appropriate nuke scripts that keeps the link to Flame via OpenClips. Although, since I don’t use nuke, I haven’t played with that part aside from watching Phil do it where he round-tripped between the two.

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@brunof - sadly, our incompatibility is your use of flame versions earlier than 2025.

no one should be on versions earlier than 2025.0.3. That is the whole point of subscription.

Yeah @philm showed me the other day and I was impressed to say the least … its amazing… and that’s exactly what i needed :slight_smile: … Think untold is closer to move to 2025…looking forward to play around soon.

@philm is there a world when when creating/publishing all those openclips (flame/nuke) on your projekt it does also automatically generate an edit linking to those?
Just trying to skip having to unlink and relink openclip part of my current workflow.

@bruno - hey, yes to your question re: conform using nuke/after effects open clip files - it’s on my whiteboard.
it’s underneath postgresql db compatibility for flame and resolve.
i got a bit buried under GUIs and PySide6 but I’ve mostly surfaced now.
You have access to the GitHub repo - if you want to get started with LOGIK-PROJEKT I’d be delighted to do a zoom with you and Paul and Richard and anyone else on your crew.
I think Paul is back in California next week.
Maybe we can simply spin up a few 2025 machines and work it out?
Let me know - contact me any time brother.