
Hi everyone,
My / drive is 94% full. It is 70 gb
It contains the /opt/Autodesk directory that is consuming 35gb

When Rocky Linux was installed
It created a
/ drive of 70gb
/home of 402gb

My IT dept wants to move the
/opt/Autodesk directory to

That was their intention to use the /home drive containing 402 gb

However when flame is installed it selects the / drive

What needs to be done for the IT dept to move the /opt/Autodesk folder to

Does it involve a fresh install of flame, where do you select the path wherein you can choose the Autodesk folder?

Is there a cfg file that can be modified to point to the new location

Will flame work if the entire folder is moved without doing anything else?

Another thing
I was running Hardware Validation
At Kernel Config it needs DKUversion 19.0.0
I think DKUversion 18.0.1-1 is installed.

What does this mean?

My IT dept is not too clued in on the inner workings of flame and I need to guide them off and on.

This is one of those instances :slightly_smiling_face::roll_eyes:

Your valuable inputs would make my life much easier…

Thanks and have a great day ahead

I think Autodesk doesn’t reccomend /home partation.


LOGIK Academy video could be great help;

I have no idea how your IT team thinks, but if that happened to me, I would reinstall the entire system to ensure future stability.


Thanks @Hiroshi
Even I think so

Maybe they used “automatic partition” option of installer. This option creates splitted partitions for root and home, which, as you have already seen, is quite inconvenient. There is no option to change autodesk folder from /opt. In linux there are something called “bind mount”, to take an existing directory tree and replicates it under a different point. Autodesk used it during transition between /usr/autodesk to /opt/autodesk. But it’s not worth it at all. Reinstall and follow autodesk guidelines to make the partitions.

I would suggest also go to a biggest HD. I had a 512 gb one and I had to move to 1 TB. Autodesk folder grows and gorws.

About hardware validation, it updates with every update of flame version. I guess you had 2024, and you updated to flame 2025. So, now, it asks for dku v19.0.0. Try to look for system requirements before of install a new flame version. Anyway, you can update dku later.

Thanks @kily
I’ve sent the info you sent me to IT.

Don’t send them anything! Just give them the option you prefer. :rofl: :rofl:

The latest installation of ADSK rocky 9.3 does indeed limit the ‘/’ root directory and provide more space to /home.
This is a departure from previous installations where ‘/’ covered the remaining disk after ‘boot’ and ‘swap’ are subtracted from the equation.
It is possible to grow an XFS partition, but it is very complicated and error prone to shrink an XFS partition.
If I remember correctly, the old recipe used to be:

/boot    1024 MiB
swap     32 GiB
/        everything else

Thanks @kily @philm
I wish​:slightly_smiling_face::slightly_smiling_face: I think I’ve overdone it today with the emails back n forth, I think I’ll let it rest a while

Thanks for the great advise as always

Yet again… You’ve Already Been Inform’d


This happened on CentOS 7 and Rocky 8 as well. Setup standard partitions or customize on OS install to avoid this behavior. Here is the existing workaround to reclaim that space. Note: I have not tested this workaround with Rocky 9.

You can always open a support case and we can help.

Another workaround without starting over:

I got scorched by this on my first CentOS setup. Thankfully @Jack saved me. That experience in the middle of a job has made me keenly aware to check it everytime I’ve made a system since.

My company has sorted the problem by moving the entire Autodesk folder from /opt/Autodesk to
/home/Autodesk and created a symlink to /opt/Autodesk

This seems to be working for us now