I would like to draw a perfect circle as a mask in GmaskTracer. I have pressed the whole keyboard now to scale the gmask eclipse proportionally but nothing works.
There are also no presets like in the gmask node.
Any tips?
Gmask tracer, Gmask ellipse, Shift-Alt-click and drag…
thank you very much…i feel stupid now haha
do you also know how to make a perfect circle with a 3d path?
There is no easy way for that, but I created a circular 3D path with 4 vertices and manually edited the vertex positions, that’s easy (X, 0) (0, Y) (-X, 0) and (0, -Y).
3D Path and gmask has different approach to the tangents. The hard part is getting those right. I overlaid the 3D shape over my “perfect” gmask ellipse and dragged one tangent to overlap with the gmask tangent. Since AutoTangents were turned on, I was able to manually input and adjust easily.
Tangents have the same X and Y value of the vertex they are attached to, just add the same Y and X values to the tangents.