Refreshing Pattern Browse in Media Hub after deleting clips


If an artist renders with the wrong time code or frame rate in v001, and then corrects it in v002, Flame can have trouble creating the pattern browsed clip.

I’ve found that after deleting the clip with the wrong code and refreshing, Flame doesn’t re-evaluate the clips straight away.

Restarting Flame makes it refresh and fixes the problem, but recently I waited a while and it had refreshed when I went back to the shot folder.

Does anybody know a way to force Flame to refresh the pattern browse without restarting or waiting an unknown amount of time?

@leovfx - other than the fix flame artist option, sadly, no…
If it’s inside a batch group, replace from MediaHub
If it’s inside a timeline, media->unlink->conform
If it’s the same artist over and over, don’t let them do the first or second publish…

yeah. sadly it messes it up if they do any of the publishes before the first import,

…which I try and avoid by writing and conforming a v000, But that’s not always possible.