Andy won Andy, but that’s only because Andy wasn’t there. Next time I want to see Andy go up again Andy. That’ll knock the smile off Andy’s face. Next time we want to see two Autodesk employees go head-to-head!
Hey everybody, thanks to all of you who joined us live. It was incredible to see all of you there and participating and doing your thing. We saw a ton of familiar faces…er…names… in the live chat and it made for hopefully an entertaining hour of your time.
Replay is here:
Let us know if you liked it, disliked it, want to see more, or if we should just change our names and phone numbers and burn the script along with Andy’s super sweaty headband.
Thanks for your patience during the opening moments of the live stream, that was a collective ID10T error on our part and we’ll have it sorted next time…IF there is a next time…
Be on the lookout for the setups to be shared shortly.
And congratulations to @andy_dill for being our first Renderome winner. He takes home a 12 month full license of all the Boris FX suites valued at $1,295! Be sure to congratulate @andy_dill and his belt buckle.
As always, thank you to all of you and our sponsors and to Brian Fox at Boris FX for making this all possible.
I vote for more! always great to see many takes on the same tasks! and a super keen belt buckle to boot! Congrats “Andy”!! - IMO Brian was the hit of the show!! Great commentary!
Brian keeps our feet firmly planted on the ground, doesn’t he?
best line of the day?? the low key “shit” heeheehee
I think you guys did a really great job. I had fun watching, I was laughing, and it was nice ‘seeing’ everyone in the chat. Great camaraderie, fun watching the process, and just hanging out with everyone was great. Good times Thanks for doing this! Super fun, do it again!
I couldn’t watch it live but caught up later… Thanks for the shoutout @andy_dill!
Next time you need to deploy the Flock of Birds™.
Works every time.
That was fun as hell. Great job @andymilkis and @andy_dill !
I’ve missed Aaaandy’s pen grip style. Proper.
Well done both. Pretty full on heckling from the back of the suite.
@ace_elliott smoke classic hot keys all the way.
This was amazing! Had such a blast watching!
That was awesome! All the producer comments were perfect, lol.
If there’s a future Renderdome challenge based on the inventive use of curse words while pen tapping, I could be a contender!
That was really awesome! Love to see more of this
Congratulations to Andy!
One question to Mister @andy_dill:
You’re using ACES_1.1_SDR_video (Rec. 709 limited) to invert-transform the plate to ACEScg.
Where is the difference between that one and ACES 1.0 SDR-video and which one is the correct one for delivering Rec709 in an ACES enviroment?
… it’s 10% better?
Honestly I have no clue. I used to use ACES 1.0 to SDR Video, but now that there is a 1.1 I use that. Seems about the same.
As for delivering rec709 out of an ACES enviornment, there’s no real “right answer” per-se. I suppose technically the ACES to SDR 1.1 rec709 is most correct, but the real answer is, as always “if it looks right in your delivery color space, you’re good.”
I use the ACES 1.1 to have some consistency on my end, but most of my jobs already come with a prescribed viewing lut of some form (The last few have been Sony S-log3, Nuke-style linear (2.2 gamma) with sRGB primaries, and LogC) so it’s somewhat rare that I use ACES 1.1 across a whole job.
Where it starts to get weird is you can use the ACES 1.1 lut with ALL of those color spaces. If they’re tagged correctly, flame will do all the conversions to take them from their native format, into ACES and out to the monitor. The problem is almost always that other people are using a different viewing lut, so even if your pixel values are identical, the images will look different.
I like to have everything living and viewed under the ACES luts because it’s the simplest way to get all parties to agree, but being a freelancer means no one’s asking me about these things before the call gets made.
Yes! Great watch guys! I enjoyed seeing the different strategies used for the same shot.
and the fun little comments.
But I missed the ‘using ML to key out the sky’ that was also a request I heard haha
Keep them coming. Also interesting to hear what you guys would quote for the shot.
I can’t really figure out the difference between those two as well.
The change log of ACES also doesn’t point to a reason for that.
Pushed the question straight to beloved dev team.
Big up to @andy_dill - deform node strikes again.