Restore an archive

Hello forum

made an archive for testing purposes and now I am trying to restore it by pointing Flame 2021.2 manually to the storage device. The archives are listed in MediaPannel.

But unlike shown is the following tutorial (at 13.11), the button “Restore Archive” is not available…

Flame - Getting Started - Archiving and Restoring - Part 28 of 28 - YouTube

Any ideas what what I am doing wrong?

Thank’s !


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Are you by chance on the ‘Files’ tab? Click the ‘Archive’ tab. It’s a common gotcha.

Have you selected the archive you are hoping to restore? I think that button is greyed out until you do that.

Also, @joe99, as you continue to level up your Flame skills, consider joining the Discord server. There’s a bunch of us chit chatting daily and will likely be able to provide you with a bit faster response for these kinds of “Hey I must be missing something…” questions…in between arguing over what kind of tree is in @TimC 's back yard.


Yes, you can click and drag what you need from the archive over to your media library and then the button will let you click it

@randy over here solving a good 70% of my archive restoration issues with this one.


→ Are you by chance in the ‘Files’ tab?

->Have you selected the archive you are hoping to restore? I think the button is greyed out until you do that.

->Yes, you can click and drag what you need from the archive over to your media library
->and then the button will let you click it
Wow… with the content of an Archived Session (e.g. Default Library, Batchgroups, Desktop-Back) this does work:)

  • Any ideas why the entire “Archived Session” cannot be dragged to the media library?
    (I did not yet delete the content of my media library because unless Restore does work like expected. I am reluctant tio delete it)

  • In addition it would be cool if the project-data (entered during project setup) could be restored as well…

Thank’s for additional feedback.


In MediaHub > Archives, browse down levels to the "Archive Session " level.
The level below this has your original project name, and has the Flame logo next to it.
Highlight this level (with the logo), and the Restore button will become available.
(This is the same as @naveen says).

If you now Restore Project, it will re-create your entire original project including all the original settings (Colour Policy, etc).

We do this all the time (working on large longform projects which vary a lot in resolution/bit depth/colour pipeline), but for others it’s easier just to restore elements by dragging them into an existing project (like @ace_elliott says!). Depends on your job.

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It’s worth mentioning that this creates a new project, rather than restoring it into the one that you have open.

Thank you very much for the continued help:)

->In MediaHub > Archives, browse down levels to the "Archive Session " level
->The level below this has your original project name, and has the Flame logo next to it
Pls see the screenshots. I don’t know but it looks different…

Is it possible that I cannot restore the entire project because the original one is still in MediaHub?
(was reluctant to delete it without being sure to be able to restore it)


Hi Joe,

I believe that if a project exists with the same name and you try to do a project restore, Flame will not let you restore the project to prevent a conflict

To get around this, you create a new project with a different name and drag the contents of the archive into this new project to do the restore.

You could then validate that everything was restored correctly.




Thank’s Grant for the feedback! I am going to try what you suggested.


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