Isn’t it time for the Second Annual Reverse User Group?
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You’re right. It is that time of the year. I’ll reach out to the relevant people and see if everyone is up for it again.
- When publishing a connected conform sequence, ensure that the ‘Published Shots’ track of the newly published sequence is also connected.
- When creating batch groups with a sequence publish, do not enable orange dot caches on any of the automatically generated batch nodes.
For starters
Stephane and Fred are really busy cooking up some stuff for us. December is a more likely timeframe, but might even slip into early 2025. The good news is that gives us all lots of time to work on our screen recordings.
I’ve already had a notes doc on the many things I’d like to do recordings about for this.
this was a great event. looking forward to round 2.
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I will just copy paste some of the entries from last year, including my own one
I’m still waiting for the next OFoW.