Rocky 8.7 downgrades to Rocky 8.1

Hey guuys,
I’ve been running Rocky 8.7 for a while, with no real problems. However doing a reboot Rocky has downgraded to 8.1. However there is an option on boot for 8.7, that option still boots to 8.1.

Has anyone seen this before.

Install 9.3

I have, but there are some services and apps that wont run on 9.3.

I’m trying a dnf upgrade --refresh. seems like it might fix this

the dnf upgrade will likely break a whole lot of stuff in the autodesk config unfortunately. Think you may need to reinstall OS after that or spend a whole lot of time installing the right dependencies

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You are mis-interpretting the version number. It is not 8.1, it is 8.10

Somewhere along the way you ran a dnf/yum update and you are no longer ASDK spec compliant.

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Oh god!

Johnny, you have probably installed something that performed an OS update, something you should really not do…It is understood that you might want to install other apps on your workstation BUT try to stick with non intrusive methid like snap or AppImage. Installing components that would upgrade your OS is the perfect recipe for long days :wink:

Also, creating a backup of your config prior installation is a very good idea so you can get back to your OS original state.

From now, you might want to back up your data and re-install RL 8.7 from our ISO and DKU to avoid future issues.

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Thank you! It’s all good, the drive wasn’t a production drive so I just went to my backup.

Very good, young Jedi :wink: