try uninstall sapphire from the genarts folder??
already did that…
I have seen the black output on Sapphire when my trial ran out. As soon as I activated it Sapphires worked. Might sound crazy but try a cold boot.
if you :
Exit Flame,
Delete the file /opt/Autodesk/flame_2022/status/ofxPluginCache.xml
Restart Flame
Are the Sapphire still showing in the list?
also what is listed when doing
ls /Library/OFX/Plugins
ahah thanks i did delete the file /opt/Autodesk/flame_2022/status/ofxPluginCache.xml and now is showing the sapphire 2021.5
Its odd or is to supposed be like that???
It is odd. Normally the cache should have compared the timestamp and size of the ofx.bundle at startup and refreshed it’s data after installing the new plugin version.
Thanks for the tip …Its solved for me
same here, the delete re-install and reboot did the trick
Hi Sapphire friends
Im just about to upgrade to flame 2022 on Catalina and was just reading this thread.
John, you said you were running 2022… is that on Catalina or Big sur?
I have the Sapphire + Mocha Pro OFX Perpetual… Just wondering if anyone has this working nicely on Catalina with 2022 as I am reluctant to update to big sur.
I also want to install this on a Linux Flame 2022 (Centos 8). Think it’ll work?
I’ve never not had Sapphires work. What’s the concern?
Hey Randy.
That’s. good to hear… Yeah you are right… I cant see there being a problem with macs but I thought I’d ask anyway as I can’t afford for them to have any probs when I upgrade to 2022.
More to the point… Has anyone got the 2021.5 ofx sapphire plugins working on a Linux Flame 2022 - centos 8.2.? (Reason for upgrading the Macs)
Im building one now and Im a real novice with Linux so it’d be good to hear if there are any issues?
I was a real novice with Linux and had Centos 7.6 figured out no problem. And Mac Catalina and Big Sur too. That’s the least of your concerns.