I’ve been given some files that have been through an NR process and the software has just tagged NR to the end of the file names, after the sequential file number
orig files were “name_####.exr”
nr files are “name_####_NR.exr”
Flame now sees these as individual files, not as sequences. Any way to force flame to see them sequentially? Or can someone suggest a good (easy) linux renamer utility?
If using python scripts are an option, I could probably modify one of mine to do a find and replace in the mediaHub. Let me know if that would be helpful.
Extract this to: /opt/Autodesk/shared/python or /opt/Autodesk/user/your_user/python
Doing a find and replace was quick because I already had most of this built. Adding renumbering with padding options is definitely possible, but I’ll need more free time.
Hi John,
Thanks for this!
Its not working for me atm unfortunately:(
I get the dialogue popup, enter details and hit rename, but nothing changes. Does it need permisssions or anything? Or perhaps its because I’m only wanting to replace some (not all) of the name?
here’s the output from the flame terminal, if thats useful:
File Path: /mnt/StorageMedia/temp/s3_ep1_col_tests/test 1/ Find Me: test Replace With Me: UPDATE New File Name: New File Path: /mnt/StorageMedia/temp/s3_ep1_col_tests/test 1/
**************** Find and Replace End ****************
The files I’m pointing at are of the form: pretitles test nr_####.exr
So I would expect to get: pretitles UPDATE nr_####.exr
aah, that works now on files if viewed as frames, but not when they’re presented as a sequence. I was running this on already fixed files so they’re appearing as a sequence, but switching to frames works.
spaces seem to be ok too:
File Path: /mnt/StorageMedia/temp/s3_ep1_col_tests/test 1/updated 000005.exr Find Me: updated Replace With Me: renamed_and_tested with spaces New File Name: renamed_and_tested with spaces 000005.exr New File Path: /mnt/StorageMedia/temp/s3_ep1_col_tests/test 1/renamed_and_tested with spaces 000005.exr
So to fix my original bad files which were of the form pretitles test_####_nr.exr
I’d need to run this twice, once to amend the name, and again to remove the _nr.
Not sure what version you are running, nor which are applicable, but in my CentOS 8, the file manager in the UI has a search and replace feature in the rename dialoge.