Hey everyone
I just posted a new version of my Slate Maker script. I’ve added a drop down menu to select a column in the slate csv file for the naming of the slate clips. There are also some small bug fixes.
Hey everyone
I just posted a new version of my Slate Maker script. I’ve added a drop down menu to select a column in the slate csv file for the naming of the slate clips. There are also some small bug fixes.
Thanks Mike!
Been using this in production and it’s badass, just like Mike
Just posted a new update to the Slate Maker script to the logik portal and pyflame.com. I added the ability to use tokens to name the slate clips. Along with a new button that when enabled will convert spaces in the slate clip filename to underscores. Thanks to @AndyBrown for the suggestions.
Thanks Mike.
Already used the update today!
I’ve put an updated version this script up on the Logik Portal. I can now handle creating slates with multiple aspect ratio’s from the same csv. Before each aspect ratio needed its own csv file created. It requires the slate backgrounds and slate text node template files to all end with the aspect ratio. Such as slate_bg_16x9, slate_bg_1x1 and slate_template_16x9.ttg, slate_template_1x1.ttg. The ratio will also need to be somewhere in each line of the csv file.
Hey guys,
I’ve unfortunately just come across Slate script. I had no idea there was such a thing! Awesome. I’ve just got a lot of shots that are crying out for slates and details… Manually creating slates for series shots.
I’ve added the logic portal. Which is really great by the way!
But now I’ve installed the Slate Maker script via the Logic Portal. But when I am now in the batch and click on the right, no selection for the script appears. Not even on an image or element, it appears in the dropdown menu.
Is there perhaps another trick?
I am currently using 25.01 but also 24.01 Update. Both without success.
I would really like to use the tool to make a CSV import possible.
Many thanks and best regards,
To get the menu for it you have to right click in the media panel on a clip you’re going to use for your slate background. It doesn’t work from batch.
Hey Mike,
Thanks! I always did the rightclick in the batch or on plates in the batch… I hadn’t done it in the MediaPanel…but now! Slate is visible! That’s the blast! Thank you very much.
Now I can rock through my last episode with a CSV import. I’m freaking out!!!
Many thanks and all the best,