I’ve started using Sapphire ofx. Haven’t used Sapphire for at least 5 years. Just wanna see if there’s been developments. It behaves very different that the spark. I’m using S_Median now for something and I’m piping a matte as well, and a bg or not. but I get a comp that is premultiplied by the matte, and I can’t find the switch for outputting the comp. I know. Any help would be very much appreciated. Thanks -M
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that was the most confusing thing to me when I switched to OFX , they just moved the “matte” channel most of the time you don’t put it in layer matte but say on S_glow you place the matte in “Mask” besides the switch in muscle memory its actually much better you just have to get used to it.
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Thanks. The naming is very confusing. But that did it. Thank You !
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Not such a dumb question at all. I’ve been slowing working my way through the OFX transition myself and the way the inputs are labelled is super frustrating…the whole parenthesis things drives me bonkers.