So long and thanks for all the fish!

Greetings Programmes,

I want to end my working year (an more importantly my career) by thanking Andy Milkis and Randy McEntee, as well as everyone who contributes to Logik.
This has been the most useful, friendly and generous bunch of artists its been my joy to converse with.
Logik has certainly made me a better Flame Artist, and i hope it will continue to nuture new talent and help keep the disparate elements of post-production fragmentation at least in contact with each other.

I have decided that 38 years behind video screens is more than enough, so iā€™m moving to the country and starting up a small holding. No clients, no briefs, no amendsā€¦just me and my wife growing the food we need, and making furniture. Heaven!

So Merry Christmas, one and all. Good luck for the New Year, and donā€™t let AI get the better of you.

(iā€™ll still be dropping in occasionally to keep up to date!)

video games tron GIF by RETRO-FIEND


Best of luck Adam. Thanks for all the questions, comments, discussions, and answers you providedā€¦



thanks Sinan. Canā€™t wait to try something completely different!


Well done and best of luck! Life is rich.


Fantastic. Very jealous. Hope The Good Life brings much Dandelion Wine.


wishing you the best Adam. after 38 years that is a well deserved life change. please stay in touch and let us know how it goes!!! happy holidays and a beautiful new year to youā€¦

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thanks John - glad someone still gets ā€œThe Good Lifeā€ reference. mention it to the youngsters and they just look at you gormlessly!

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Not to forget the Hitchhikers ref too @Lightningad. I expect to see post on TikTok of you soon double-backwards-somersault through a hoop whilst whistling the 'Star Spangled Bannerā€˜.

BTW this always me chuckle


You have done your time and now you are free. All the best from a very jelous flame op. M

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absolutely spot on!!
i remember watching that when it first went outā€¦damn iā€™m getting old

thanks Marcus

Will doā€¦i might be out in the middle of nowhere but thank god we put starlink in!




@Lightningad - bravo, embrace the change, document your activities and make all of your short film / youtube / tik tok with flame. #LightningFarm sounds like a good handle.

Ironically, Felicity Kendalā€™s son did not choose ā€˜The Good Lifeā€™ and became a VFX Supervisor for MPC in Londonā€¦


Good luck and all the best

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Thatā€™s wonderful news. All the best to you and your wife, my friend. Thanks for the kind words, but the truth is that Logik would be nothing without people like YOU! Thank YOU for sharing knowledge, for coming on Logik Live, for One Frame of White, and for the countless conversations you were a part of. Logik is better because of you, Adam! Enjoy the upgrade and looking forward to hearing all about it.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!



I was thinking more along the lines of ā€œThe Good Neighborsā€ ore even ā€œThe Fall and Rise of Reginald Perrin.ā€ Maybe even a little bit of Worzel Gummidge in the garden.


Donā€™t know the good neighbours, but definitely think a bit of wurzel might be on the cards!

Already have a handle thats very apt for rural stuffā€¦barkingrooster! Used that years ago when I used to do leatherwork on the side and have kept the domain name ever since.

I think itā€™s about to be revived!

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But it was You and Randy who made Logik Forum the place to be. The Area always felt like a ghost town and it wasnā€™t until Logik that i ever felt part of something larger. That should be celebrated as the pair of you made a massive impact not just for me but every Flame artist!

And heres me a few months back when i bought new lawn tractorā€¦and spent over 4hours mowing the field!