Right I’ve been inspired to report some of the small bugs that I encounter.
I’ve reported all these apart from the ones with a strike through, I used the link that Fred posted.
I always forget issues when I am busy as I just use my work arounds, so I started making a list.
I’m posting this here in case someone can tell me some of this stuff is just operator error.
1 Sometimes going to priority only shows “Action - Matchbox Only”
Realised this happens if you go to the priority tab while having a matchbox selected
2 When selecting an action in batch or creating a new action it sometimes automatically defaults to selecting both the bg and layer 1 as inputs. This means you can’t see the front or back with a hotkey press and when you add an image it adds one for the bg and one for the layer.
3 The axis scale parameter in the Display settings tab, continually resets.
4 Adding a gmask tracer in action after a Mono Analyzer 3D track always adds the gmask to the tracker image not the selected axis.
5 Adding a gmask in action most of the time adds random numbers into the axis position.
6 Grid sometimes stays on after Mono Analyzer 3D tracking (the old 3d tracker) until you select a node in the batch then go back to the action.
I can’t recreate this consistently enough, and I thought this was supposed to have been fixed, but I think I encountered it recently again.
7 Front centre of Matchbox FrontMatteOffset is inverted compared to the centre of the older Source front node.
Gmask Tracer.
8 New gmask node is much slower than the old one when a mask with a lot of vertices is added.
This may have been fixed, need to test it more. Maybe it’s just in certain circumstances.
9 Can’t select all vertices of gmask with CTRL-A when viewing a context.
10 Can’t add a gmask when viewing a context.
11 Why does turning “smoothing” down to 0% make the mask smoother?
This was mentioned in a thread in Logik the other day, not sure if it’s a bug
12 Can’t delete keyframes from the Softness offset in gmask tracer without going into the animation editor.
13 Adding a point to an exsiting gmask always adds a point with no tangents on each shape keyframe. Sometimes when using auto tangent on each of the shape keyframes, the handles of the tangent spin around and create unwanted animation.
14 “New Sequence” on desktop doesn’t retain last sequence made, instead seems to take the last resolution that was worked on in batch.
15 Can’t select more than one layer in timeline if layers are empty.
Blur node
16 Doesn’t work correctly in Defocus mode when blooming is set above 1