Test comps

Anyone else just feel like they can’t be bothered after a test comp they whipped up in an hour is approved and now they want you to do it for real?

We did a bunch of temp comps for a feature years ago and then were awarded some of the final comp work. The shots didn’t align in that some of the shots we did tests on were sent to other facilities. One of the shots went through many iterations with another facility and the director. After a couple of months they came back to us and asked us to take the shot back and run it through our temp set-up at full-res. Apparently the director kept telling the other facility to make it more like the temp shot and finally got tired of the back and forth.

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Its even better when your boss did it , using low res images for a matte painting that gets signed off then you have to do it 4k… :ok_hand:

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