TTFN - Ta Ta For Now

Everybody flocking to an actual fully fledged Chinese version and learning Mandarin in the proces… Duolingo shares up 12.7% … it’s almost comedy…


Perfect example of “Good Intentions - Bad Execution”, which is typical of most government actions.

Having family that lives in Greater China and visits the mainland regularly, I can say that all of this is a minefield of complexity.

But the bigger reminder is that all these dreams about fast and easy money as an influencer can go up in smoke in a nano-second, and then you have no tangible embers that carry the flame forward. Be weary of any platforms, they don’t give a click about you in the end. You want to own your assets (content & network links) so keep them on land that you control.

To remain relevant in today’s society and economy, you need to be agile but be mindful of flashes in the pan. Don’t stay too long, but don’t chase every shiny object either.


I checked out rednote. So far it’s chinese people who teach english, and Americans phonetically trying to speak madarin. What a great cultural exhange. See how the other half lives…


I guess I’m MAGA now…

Also, some bonus context:

This is is so dumb, though. As an American, there are reasons way more complicated and convoluted, but important, to attempt to kneecap China’s big tech market share. We’re not all good lil global citizens as the internet would have us feel. That sentiment is just a means of allowing financial vultures to either straight up leave people to the wolves (“learn to code bro” LOL) or exploit the shit out of other people “make those iPhones faster child!!” This whole thing just repulses me if I’m honest. Funny cat video platforms being major players in macroeconomics and big tech cold wars.

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And those efforts of Trump? Holding the wheelbarrow, while Yass filled it with money.

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