Using old Flame-version after subscribing to 1 month subscription


i was an fxpdh-student and would like to complete a little timeline based project (a YT-clip) in Flame. Since I do not qualify as an official student, I need to subscribe Flame for one month…

Is it possible to continue to use the installed old Flame version 2021.2 once the subscription is payed?


You have choices, depending on how long you think you need it.
You can buy 108 tokens, which will give you 6 days for $324USD.
You can sign up for another FXPhD class (I recommend mine, not that I make anything off them…)
You might also be able to work for a studio that would let you work through your class materials in the off hours.
Good luck!


It should be possible to use the old install. I’m not a flame license expert, but you can definitely download and run a few vintages at the same time. I just don’t know if there is a “too old” cutoff.

Even if there were, it’s probably like a ten year window because some shops refuse to upgrade and think their one version is lucky.

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the oldest version should be something like release minus 2
if you’re one of those unusual contingencies then barriers are not the same

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Thanks for your replies! A family member is paying for a one-month license for me, in order to be able to finish my student project :slight_smile:

Does Autodesk offer the possibility hat the license is not issued to the payer but to me(the user)?

Thank you?

As long as the account is in your name, ie you are the user, it doesn’t matter where the payment comes from.

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Thank’s for the feedback. Does the sponsor (creditcard-holder) need to sign-in
with my Autodesk-account in order to “assign” the order to my account(me)?

I don’t think so, as long as their card is registered to the account.

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