Which Flame version to go 2023.3 or 2024.1.1?

Hello hive!

I’m about to do a sort of major update (or not so major :-)) for my HP Z8. I will install Rocky Linux. Originally I thought to go with RL 8.5 and Flame 2023.3.2. Thank you @randy for the awesome video! I used to have this rule - wait at least one year or 2 updates before installing a new Flame version, but with the latest speed of Autodesk cranking out new versions, I’m not even sure that the old rule still stands. Therefore, I’m asking you, the wizards of Flame, what is your pick - 2023.3.2 or 2024.1.1? Any major problems in 2024, especially in the core nodes? Any hand on experience on HP Z8 G4 with Nvidia RTX 6000?

Thank you!!!


Also, how is RL 8.7 vs RL 8.5?

There would be zero reason to pick Rocky 8.5 over 8.7 and it would mean that there will be a longer period between having to upgrade OS.

Rocky Linux is way easier to administer over CentOs was and you can pretty much do everything via the GUI if you need to. Networking, Wacom, Graphics and day to day stuff is just a whole lot more user friendly and no need to keep jumping on terminal.
The Gnome desktop environment is less customisable than KDE was but I like it.

Thank you, Adam. The only reason to pick 8.5 is if to install 2023.3.2 Flame. As far as I understand 8.7 will not support 2023.3.2 as it says here: https://www.autodesk.com/support/technical/article/caas/sfdcarticles/sfdcarticles/CentOS-ISO-installer-and-Linux-Driver-Kernel-Utilities-for-Flame-Family.html or 8.7 does support 2023.3.2 Flame and I’m just reading it wrong?

If you’re upgrading Flame then I’d go to 2024.1.1. Meant to write that previously.

We’ve been using it, for VFX only at this stage, but it has been solid. The upgrade to Vulkan is definitely worth it too. Some others may have had issues 2024 but there certainly doesn’t seem to be many, if any, complaints about 2024.1 here on Logik

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Cool! Thank you!

I did a job on 2024.1 and was very happy with the improvements it’s made. The resize node alone is worth the upgrade.


Thank you, Andy!

I’ve had no significant issues unique to 2024.1.1.

Same. As you have the chance to pick between 23 stable and 24.1.1, take 24. It’s def a good choice this year

Thank you!

Got it!

Copy that.

I worked a while with 2023.3 and now i’m on 2024.1.1 and I see big difference.
Resize node is much better, love so much the new paint node, also did the flame benchmark on both with M1 studio and won 20% performance.
I definitely suggest last version.


Thank you, Jerem!

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I’ll chime in: Linux installs are not trivial, so you def want to go with what’s going to last you the longest, in this case 8.7. I also know sites which are running 2023.3.2 and 2024.1.1 side by side on Rocky 8.7 without issues.

The one issue with Rocky 8.7 is that a pretty severe security issue was announced this morning which was introduced in 8.6, and isn’t present in 8.5, and there’s currently no update available:


If your system is standalone and not connected to the Internet, you probably don’t care, if you are in an environment which cares a lot about security, it may be an issue.

I would imagine that once an update to glibc is released for 8.7, Autodesk will roll that into DKU release so it can be applied.


What about running 2022?
The reason I ask, is that’s the last version, to my knowledge, that Keylight runs on, I really don’t want to lose that.

Dual boot would be your only option since 2022 is not supported on Rocky Linux 8.x

No worry, we are monitoring the security issues and will provide required changes to DKU.
