Workdesk Recovery after External Drive crash / Relink Media

Hello Hive,

Yesterday, unfortunately, my external hard disk, on which my Flamestorage was temporarily stored for mobile purposes, crashed.
All the video clips and assets/bits and audio files are stored locally on my computer.
Now I was able to transfer my project to my local storage. But unfortunately all clips in the workdesk are on “Pending Render”, although all clips point to a local path on the same computer, it does not manage to jump directly to the path. Is there a trick how I can restart the clips and assets in the timeline so that it looks directly at the path? Or do I have no choice but to unlink and relink all files?
But I am very happy that I was able to save the timelines at all.
If there is anything I would be very happy, unfortunately there are about 20 clips on the work desk.
I would therefore be very grateful for any help.
Many thanks and best regards

Might Path Translation work here?

Or if that fails, a symlink?
