2D Skills Breakdown by Experience Level

As an addendum to the Career Paths documentation I recently published, here is a skills breakdown of what artists ought to know at each level of experience, from assist through vfx supervisor level. Granted, this document was designed for a specific time and place and market and makes some generalizations and assumptions, but, hey, it’s a starting point.

Feel free to copy/use/reuse/remake/steal/reuse/recycle/share. PNG/PDF/Numbers file attached.

2D Skills Breakdowns.pdf (299.5 KB)

2D Skills Breakdowns.zip (752.5 KB)


knowledge of Furnace plugins is more of an age check than a skill one. Might as well put 5D Cyborg in there as well. :stuck_out_tongue:

In all seriousness, it’s very cool to see the career broken down in this manner.