I use 2D transform a bit in batch on quick, simple comps that don’t require Action. One thing that bothers me about it is that I can’t use hotkeys for Translate/Rotation/Scale like you can on an axis in action.
Before I ask for a feature request for this (seems like a simple addition), am I missing something where you can use these hotkeys and does anyone else besides me still use 2D transform?
I know this isn’t exactly the answer to your question… but I use a tangent panel knobs to move and scale 2D Transforms. If you do this a lot it might be worth getting just the knob unit.
It’s muscle memory for me now so I can jump to them quickly and since my hand is at that left side of the keyboard I’m used to jumping between it and all the other hotkeys, such as context. At some stage I moved from Smoke to Flame hotkeys and went about learning all the different hotkeys which probably helped me get accustomed to it.
I use it too, don’t think you have any shortcut at the moment outside of action.
And cool didn’t know about Y in action.
The one tips outside of action I have for this is also to use the front matte offset matchbox, saved to user. 2D transform use CPU front matte use GPU so it optimize render time on big comp. But you can’t offset center, so only for basic translation.
While we’re on the topic of axis transformations, don’t underestimate the power of the “Space Selection Button” which cycles through Camera - Object - World. Changing it to Object gives you great and expected control over your position and especially rotation…