4448 or 4480?

Does anyone have Arri Mini LF OpenGate files sitting around to answer a question?

I’ve received a few jobs which were setup with 4480x3096, however the Flame preset is only for 4448x3096.

Official documentation is unclear. But there some evidence that Arri RAW files are indeed 4448x3096, while ProRes files are 4480x3096.

I have an open request with @Slabrie to amend the presets accordingly, but first need a file to verify this conclusion. My files are all color preps from editors, not camera originals.


I have Arri Raw as 4448x3096

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@allklier - there’s a collection of sample footage at ARRI
I’m not sure if the format that you’re searching for is in the collection.

Here is a link to the recording characteristics matrix on the ARRI website:

Alexa Mini LF Recording Formats

Thanks @philm. Yes, I have checked those already and there are no sample files on Arri’s site that match this format.

Based on the official documentation it should just be 4448x3096. But I’ve now received multiple projects from different studios with 4480 footage, and I’ve seen at least one rental house list it as 4480 for ProRes. So less likely that multiple people are making the same mistake. Maybe there was some firmware update along the way???

@allklier - it may also be worth investigating if those dimensions are a preset in software like resolve or baselight.

They would have all come from Premiere. And I checked Premiere, and it doesn’t have a preset for the Mini LF.

Could be some transcoding software though, in case it was recorded as ArriRAW but DIT transcoded to ProRes. Not sure of the chain of custody there. Was just curious to see this multiple times in a row.

I think the only way to know for sure is if someone happens to have a Arri Mini LF OpenGate ProRes file that was recorded as ProRes on the camera, and is still the original file. That’s going to be the tie breaker.

Maybe someone has a dusty corner…

It looks like some R3D cameras have 4.5k recording formats with that particular width but not the same height.

I don’t recall if my EPIC records that way - I mostly shoot 4096 or 3840 variations.

The Resolution preset for ARRI 4.5K LF OpenGate ProRes is fine at 4448x3096 since it matches files from the ALEXA. 4480x3096 is the resolution of the ARRIRAW format and yes, they are different due to memory challenges in-camera. If when browsing the ProRes clip you visit the MediaHub/Format Specific Options (QuickTime) /Image/Pixel Space Window, you will see the Clean Aperture being enabled by default. If you disable the option, you will see the resolution of the ProRes clip to change to 4480x3096 (and vertical black lines on the edge of the frame.