I’ve searched the Flame user guide, the internet, and the Logik forums for answers to the following issue but haven’t had any luck so far.
For debugging purposes, I exported a subdivided cylinder from Blender in both Alembic and FBX formats.
In the Alembic file’s geometry node, within an Action node, I’m unable to enable the Subdivide button. Similarly, in the geometry node for the FBX file, I can’t enable the Smooth Angle button.
Could anyone explain why this is happening? Ideally, I’d like access to both buttons.
Is this a bug, or is there a specific step I need to take during the export process from Blender to make both buttons accessible?
Thank you in advance for your assistance with this.
It’s not possible to say without using the same geometry files (I don’t want them, don’t send them), but in the MediaHub, when importing the geometries there is a button that allows you to switch from ‘Action Objects’ to ‘Read File’.
Action Objects converts geometry into editable data.
Read File is a soft-import of the geometry and has limited edditing capabilities.
I’m not sure why the buttons are disabled or not.
It used to be the case that Read File disabled all buttons, and Action Objects enabled all buttons but clearly that’s not the case for you.
Send your test objects to Autodesk support and post the fix to the forum?
If I get a minute late today, I’ll try an Alembic / FBX export from Blender and flame import.
FYI @philm and I took this conversation offline to discuss further. As this issue is unresolved, I’m now preparing a case for Autodesk for review and will circle back here with an update.