Accessing multi-channel clip data with wiretap

Hi guys, perhaps very niche question but it seems that no matter what actual number of channels clip has it always get 3 channels with wiretap. Any ideas if it is generally possible to get a hold on other channels?

the code snippet to check:

    def get_wiretap_format(selection):
        from adsk.libwiretapPythonClientAPI import (

        clip = selection[0]
        clip_node_id = clip.get_wiretap_node_id()
        server_handle = WireTapServerHandle('localhost')
        clip_node_handle = WireTapNodeHandle(server_handle, clip_node_id)
        fmt = WireTapClipFormat()
        if not clip_node_handle.getClipFormat(fmt):
            raise Exception('Unable to obtain clip format: %s.' % clip_node_handle.lastError())
        print (f'num channels: {fmt.numChannels()}')