Just wondering how people are automatically adding a 1 frame slate to the head of VFX shots they are rendering/exporting?
I’m hoping there is a smarter way of doing it in batch rather than opening a timeline and adding a smart slate to the front of it. Is there some cool Python script for that?
I had thought about if I used a write node instead of a render node for my comps then have a user setup that I drag with smart burn-in data that writes a single frame at frame 1000 to its own write node every time (since comps will start at frame 1001).
I’m really keen to see Andy’s version of this but I did figure out a way to do it in batch by offsetting my comp downstream with a mux node, adding a frame of black and then offsetting both timecode and frame count by 1 on the write node. Also you have to adjust your SF frame count back to 1000. You only have to set it up once but need to update any data manually (date, version). I know there’s a way to integrate python but this helped me get a project through quickly in the past.
I’d also love to see your solution Andy.
What I do is create a template with Action and save it to my project bin, then pull it out for each shot and manually change the details.
It may be a bit clunky but works for me.
We do not. @ace_elliott live-streamed to Discord. Hosting simultaneously live and virtual events is not something we are capable nor interested in, to be completely transparent. Our aim is to be fully present and people-focused in person since…well…it hardly ever happens!
I know it’s not ideal.
We have a lot of ideas about NAB next year. Lotsa possibilities.
Last time I checked, Flame didn’t have an easy way of triggering post render tasks. Is it still the case? This could be a really useful feature for things like slates.