Anamorphic - ReSqueeze

What’s the proper method (if there is one) in Flame to re-squeeze an Anamorphic shot?

Tried it a few ways and searched manual and forum - haven’t come across.

It’s RED 7K 2.0 footage. No issue working with it using the ‘Use Ratio’ inside the view menu.

Also no issue de-squeezing it in Resize node. But ideally, since it gets round-tripped into a larger edit with the rest of the footage, I was thinking of re-squeezing it upon write to avoid variability in the edit. That way the MatchGrain also gets applied to the re-squeezed pixels, which is more accurate. Or is that a stupid workflow habit?

Above is the resize node I tried. Selected the proper Anamorphic output resolution. Selected ‘Keep Aspect’ which you’re supposed to in that case from what I figured. Changing the horizontal scale to 50%. All seems to work.

It also seems that the resize node actually does at least part of it, as there’s no visible change between 100 and 50% only above/below. But the viewer shows a cropped image and the ‘Use Ratio’ in the viewer has no impact. Seems like the image stream in the node graph isn’t getting the pixel aspect ratio updated, so the viewer doesn’t see it as such. And there is no way to actually manually change pixel aspect ratio, like you can do in Nuke Reformat.

In the meantime I can keep working. Will just do denoise, desqueeze, resqueeze and DasGrain in Nuke, and Flame just does the inner part of the workflow. But would be nice to understand how to do it to avoid these hybrid pipelines I end up with too often.

Though I already had the last render step in Nuke, converting my OpenClip to ProRes with all the metadata intact (a separate known Flame limitation).

If you choose “Fill” instead of “Crop Edge” does that work?

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I’ll try that one again. But with ‘Fill’ and the ‘Keep Aspect’ button gets disabled. It only works for LetterBox and Center.

It should be Fill and its also your aspect ratio. Its should be 2x of what you have there.


Bingo. @hBomb42 showed me the same on a screen share right now.

Set to Fill and ratio of 2.4 does the correct thing. Brain blockage earlier not figuring that out. Was too focused on finding pixel aspect ratio rather than looking at picture aspect ratio.

When you translate too literally between apps :frowning: