hey all. so ive done a lot of experimenting on this and couldn’t work out why some of the projects wouldn’t allow me to use the BMD output. I think its a bug. I came upon this by random pressing things. and basically if I have pal ticked in the preview settings it works. if its not ticked then its a 50/50 type of thing…
if its caused by a timing mismatch between hardware and project, then can’t you set the correct timebase using the BMD Desktop Video App in the mac system settings?
having said that, on my system when i change to a different project timebase, then my ultrastudio 4k picks up on this and switches, causing my broadcast monitor to do the same…neever had a problem with the bmd output not working.
what mac os are you using? i’m still on Big Sur, so not sure if the issue is Monterey centric.
Could you ost a picture of the Setup applcation (Preview tab) so we can see what Preview timings are selected? Do you monitor on SDI or HDMI display? For HDMI display, make sure to use a progressive Preview timing and no PsF.
im going out dual link SDI 4k from the Blackmagic box.
Uploading: Screenshot 2022-05-20 at 13.59.24.png…
Thanks for the screenshot! All good there. Can you screen shot Broadcast Monitor preferences menu?