I’m well in to a long form job. It’s loads of archive footage, shot standard def on Betacam and such. TV news footage mostly.
I’m resizing up to HD 16x9(1.33:1) so it’ll be pillarboxed with black bars on the left and right hand sides.
Anyhoo, during the conform I field merged the footage because final delivery has to be progressive. This is my preffered way to do this, even if it softens the image slightly.
The production co have now asked me to de-interlace it just using field 1. I’m happy to do that, but what’s the quickest way to change 800 resize TL effects from Field Merge to Deinterlace?
The archive footage came from all over the place, it’s all slightly different, so I can’t just apply a new resize to the whole time line. Each shot is individually scaled and positioned.
Am I going to have to go in and change them all one by one?
i’m not sure i understand completely but try if this helps you.
Make a new timeline with the final res and spect you’ll have to deliver (resolution, aspect, field)
Select all the imported clip and drag them into the new timeline.
Go the the first one and create a BFX. In there do whatever you need to do, such as de interlace o field merge.
Exit the BFX and drag the BFX in the TL FX TAB in the EXPLORER (if you don’t see it go to flame menu bottom left of the screen and clicl on show explorer).
Once there you can select all the clip you want and drag on them the bfx saved.
You can do that also with resize fx too, maybe if you could group the clips in category of resize it would be faster.
once done you can select all the clip in the timeline, right click, Match–>Match all and you’ll have all the single clip with the effect.
Don’t know about francesco’s new method. Never done anything like that.
What happens if you copy your timeline, uncache media, reformat timeline as interlaced then reconform with interlaced footage? Does that fix the resizes?
If so then you can drop a bfx on top to deal or whatever.
Does it make a massive difference if the resizes are set to interlace or progressive if you’re going to de interlace afterward? My gut feeling is that it won’t matter.
What we’re trying to avoid is the “smear” you get when merging fields. If I reformat the timeline and re-conform, won’t the indivdual resize TL effects just keep merging the two fields no matter what media I conform with?
Apologies - I’ve just seen what you mean - you mean this right?
To be honest, I never change this setting. I have no idea how to change this across so many shots except manually. Are there any runners around? I should think you could get one done every 10s so that’s about an hour an half.
You could also use the python api to save the resize setup, modify the field merge to field 1 and reload the setup
try to paste the following into a resize_fm_to_fone.py that you would add in /opt/Autodesk/shared/python and then you can convert all resize in a sequence via the media panel
def convert_rz_to_fone(fx):
import flame
import re
import os
setup_name = "/tmp/rz_fm_to_fone"
fin = open(setup_name+".resize_node")
newlines = []
modified = False
for line in fin:
line2 = re.sub(r'<ResizeUseSrcField>3</ResizeUseSrcField>', r'<ResizeUseSrcField>1</ResizeUseSrcField>', line )
newlines.append( line2 )
if ( not modified and line != line2 ):
modified = True
if modified:
fout = open(setup_name+".resize_node", "w")
for newline in newlines:
def convert_rz_fx(selection):
import flame
for seg in selection:
if isinstance(seg, (flame.PySegment)):
for fx in seg.effects:
if fx.type == "Resize":
def get_media_panel_custom_ui_actions():
def scope_clip(selection):
import flame
for item in selection:
if isinstance(item, (flame.PySequence, flame.PyClip)):
return True
return False
def convert_clip_resize(selection):
import flame
for item in selection:
if isinstance(item, (flame.PySequence, flame.PyClip)):
for version in item.versions:
for track in version.tracks:
return [
"name": "PYTHON: RZ FM to F1",
"actions": [
"name": "Convert Resize FM to F1",
"isVisible": scope_clip,
"execute": convert_clip_resize
Thanks for this Philippe, I’ll have to get tech support to do the back room stuff because I’m terrified of Python and have no idea how to even switch it on, but I’ll truy and get them to sort it out and give it a try.
You can create a bfx that is an de-interlace node followed by a timewarp set to 200% speed and drop that on every segment, and leave the resize node as is.
Is this a setting in ‘format options / preprocess settings’?
If so then I would create 1 source sequence of all sequences, just with one click in the conform tab on ‘create source sequence’. Now all sources are linked to this sequence. Now go into one of those clips in the preprocess settings. Change to how you want it. And now drag this on all clips by selecting all clips and dragging the preprocess setting on everything. This will only change the source format/preproces settings. SO this will keep all soft resizes on the timeline as is…