Classic - creating a flag

Potentially need to make a flag setup for a job , so abit of wind flapping attatched to a pole , probably not close up.

Best I could find from a search was this from 2014

Have things advanced in the last few years that there might be a neater more succesful method???

You’re way better off doing this in blender. There’s so many easy tutorials.


cheers may well look into this depending on complexity :+1:

Isn’t there a 3d flag batch setup in the Logik portal too? From what I recall, I think it’s pretty useable off the shelf.


oh thanks!!! will have a look!

Thats the kind of thing for sure but looking like i need it to be less windy than the geo in that setup. Gona see if I can use a tutorial to get what i need in Blender…

I think I have an alembic with animation that I stowed somewhere. I’ll look into it and try to find it.
It used to hold up for wide shots.

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When your company logo is a flag……
I have a blender animation in a flame batch here;
Download link
1 item

90.3 MB

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ah im on flame 2025.1.2 currently i cant open that archive

It really isn’t that hard to do in Flame. Just create a folding texture, use that as a displacement map and light it. You can add a GMask to the folding texture on the side you want to connect to the pole then feather it off which will give it a side that doesn’t move. You can keep the shape to the corners too.

I don’t know why you’d need to jump into a CH tool for this. You can even 3D track it into a scene with parralax and you can still make it work.

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the flag needs to not have a lot of wind in it , but some , so its really folded quite alot sometimes with bits where it lifts up more

I can pull into an older vsn of flame tomorrow if this is the sort of thing you’re after?

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it needs to be more 45 degree angle / gentle wind. Im half way through a Blender tutorial and its getting somewhere so no worries.


Blender is pretty awesome! Think I pretty much got the sim I need just need to watch rest of some tutorials about exporting correctly.

FYI this is the tutorial I followed , its designed for total beginners (I’d never opened the software before)…

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I even had a batch setup to go with it… (7.8 MB)


that setup is awesome and simple to repurpose! just the anim of the flag isnt quite right for this case but will def use in the future!!