Connected Segment re-jiggering workflow?

So, connected segments…

Love using them. Having a master sequence stringout with all connected clips across an entire project makes updating to latest versions a snap (and populates across all edits, social resizes on a given desktop)

Tested something unsuccessfully today, and wonder if any maestros/maestris may know if there’s a solve for this, or if this is a feature request…

Say I want to have another artist work on creating more timelines using my connected segments (social resizes are a great example, especially when there are LOTS of edits). How does one make these connected segments remember that they were once friends when brought back to the original flame’s desktop? I don’t see a “re-harmonize segments” option or anything of the sort… All “jump to connected segment”, etc relationships are lost.

I’ve tested this by moving to a different library on the same machine, tweaked some resizes and back to the original desktop and the relationships remained intact.

However, when moved to a different machine, all relationships are lost. (though the clips still show the link icon.

Would love to avoid needing to matchout/relink if possible…

Anyone have any ideas? @Jeff @randy @onlycarlyouknow @hildebrandtbernd @Sinan

How do you share with the other machine? I do remember using Shared Libraries to, well, share and synching to connected segments when I move them back.

My memory might be blurry on that one though.

I think writing information to a different framestore gives the media different / unique frameID info so that breaks the relationship. In the future you can have another artist login to your machine with the same project but new workspace (might take a bit of a bandwidth away from rendering but it shouldn’t be so bad for conforming) so you both work off the same media and connected segments.

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Ah, that makes sense @TimC

The artist pulled from my desktop and dropped into my Shared Library

I would pull all of the new edits over to my box and then unlink their media.

Matching out media from my master connected conform timeline will give me the source media I need to rebuild those edits and all of the media will have the connections


Nice! I haven’t tested that, but makes sense, as long as the connections remain when matching out the master connected media. Thanks @PlaceYourBetts !

I know you were trying to avoid this but I don’t have any other workaround. Would love to hear alternatives though :hugs:

My problem with social edits is often that I don’t want them to keep connections with my other edits. At least not ones with a different aspect ratio.

I need the timeline FX to be independent for that social format.

I find that if I duplicate my edits to another reel and then reformat (yes, old skool reformat) to a different aspect. My connections remain on that new aspect reel but break from my master format.

This is most helpful and means I can apply a reframe to a shot across multiple edits in a single format. Not ripple that effect out across ALL of my edits :scream:

Just tested it out, and it worked a treat @PlaceYourBetts ! Although I would love some kind of automagic process to make things more seamless, as these unending number of edits and social versions seem to grow year by year… Granted, re-linking to a matched out reel isn’t going to ruin my day. But x100+ versions certainly makes it an extra step :slight_smile:

Maybe I’ll put a feature request in anyhow.

I find that when I copy/paste connected segments into my different social resizes, as long as I’m not hitting the dreaded “sync all connected segments”, I can maintain different resizes for multiple different aspect ratios and still be able to version shots, as long as I’m updating an open clip version or smart replacing a connected clip, independent timeline FX and all.

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Right. Different framestore. In my case the assist machine used my framestore. So no new frame IDs.

You could try that if you’re in the same facility with a fast network.

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That may be an option soon! Thanks @Sinan

I do social sizes on basically every job now. I made it a policy to never use the ‘sync connected segments’ in the context menu and only ever sync individual timeline effects. If you didn’t know… you can right click on a timeline effect, such as resize, and choose to sync only that effect.

This is how I maintain the same color grading or effects work across all edits and each social size can have it’s own resize or action to adjust for it’s resolution.


You can take this one step further @hildebrandtbernd showed me this.

segments are only connected by their own reel group so every reel group is on its own

but if you move stuff from reelgroup A to B they “relink” to the same connection again when you move it back.

so you can have a 16:9 reelgroup and then create a social "sync " reelgroup, copy your sources seq and move all 9:16 socials to new reel group , now do your reframes on the sources sequence . then sync all resize tlfx. this will only be synced to all the 9:16 in that reelgroup.

now you can move the social timelines back to the master reelgroup .

boom. all socials shots reframes consitently across all timelines while keeping source connections to sync furth stuff like image nodes

its bascially a way to say “sync effect to all connected source segments in current reelgroup only” very handy