Copying Batch Paint strokes to different frames?


Is there a way to copy paint stokes from one frame to another in batch paint?

I’d assume it would have something to do with going to edit, duplicating the stroke, and then changing the index of the new duplicated stroke…but I can’t make that work!


Also! If you’ve painted on “current frame” but you wanted to paint on “sequence” is there a way to change that after you’ve finished painting?

In the logik portal you can find a python script to modify paint strokes

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You can download it here

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Also! If you’ve painted on “current frame” but you wanted to paint on “sequence” is there a way to change that after you’ve finished painting?

yes - switch to edit then for each stroke you need to select it, then change the Range setting to whatever you need. Easy on a one or two stroke job, but if its a really complex paint job you will need to do each stroke individually


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Brilliant. Used it already!

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