Cryptomatte Material

Hello fellow artists,

I’m wondering if flame has a similar function in nuke, where we can type in the cryptomatte node and it selects whatever material with the name for the matte output. (For e.g. if we type glass, all the glass materials tagged by the cg artists will be selected for the matte output)

Thanks in advance!

Flame’s Cryptomatte node is more the traditional picker, not the name matching tool.

Though we just found out a hard way that Nuke’s name matching has pitfalls too and doesn’t always work. But that’s a story for another day.

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ah okay got it. was just testing my luck on this. thanks for clarifying!

Hey! Flame’s Cryptomatte node is more of a traditional picker, not a name matching tool like Nuke’s. You can’t type in a material name and have it select all matching materials. However, you can use LPE Labels in Modo to assign IDs to materials, which can then be used to identify surfaces in the Cryptomatte render output.