The facility I’m in these days is thinking about moving it’s all workflow (grading to flame/after effects) from dpx to DNXHR444.
They mostly work in a Rec709 environment from the ou out of the grading to the delivery.
Has anyone encoutererd any problem with that format?
Is there something to know that could be a No Go for that solution?
Lack of embedded alpha support for AE renders?
adobe was a bit funky (and they kept flip flopping between versions) with video and full range levels. and you cant change this manually so make sure that all pulls through ok. (there might also have been a thing with mxf and mov container differences with the levels, also there op-atom and op-1a mxf)
tbh just use prores but I guess there is a windows resolve in the mix 
idk if that matters to you but having abolute frame numbers is a blessing.
what we really need a frame based format thats compressed… sigh there is only exr dwaa for float data not for integer
Absolutely, there is a windows resolve in there….
Some tests showed we can have a complete « full » workflow and stay consistant en n regards to gamma shifts… hope it’ll be pk
They still have 2 problems related to pixel ratio.
We made tests today with a media with a pixel ratio of 1.8.
Resolve understands it and displays it correctly but when it comes to exporting from resolve, in dpx, the pixel ration info is embedded in the header of dpx so that flame also displays it correctly, but is we try to export from resolve in DNXHR, we can’t embed the pixel ration info. Even if we export in source resolution, the file as a pixel ration of 1 or 2 (square or anamorphic) we haven’t found a way to force the 1.8 value out of resolve. In that case, of course I can force it when importing it it flame but still.
Second problem, after effect doesn’t seem to know how to display that ratio unless we brute force it by filling a precomp that as manually the right size…

All that worked very well with dpx workflow……
I have to tell that the reason why they want to move away from dpx is that they recently experienced weird things with read autorisations on some random images in the dpx sequences from their nexis server…
Bummer , the windows resolve part is a big pain in the a**, I had no other way than to run a macOS render slave for resolve to export prores. This works well though, unless you want to buy the advanced panel for resolve then you would be able to do prores from linux in resolve…
(the mac mini M1 with 10gbit and 16G ram is a great little resolve slave!)
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