Dolby Atmos support

Just wondering if anyone else has a need for Dolby Atmos, namely IAB audio file support on Flame?

I’d make a feature request but it would seem a bit pointless if only a handful of Flame Artists have a need for it.


Almost everything I deliver has at least a 5.1 mix as I work of features and episodic series. Some streamers such as Netflix actually require Atmos as both the primary and only sound mix. Both the 2.0 & 5.1 mixes are derived from the IAB Atmos mix, they don’t get supplied as part of the delivery. Which means I can’t truly finish in Flame as I would need to jump into another application to do a restripe of the audio before mastering. The fact I can’t deliver IMF out of Flame is also limiting. Resolve can do both of these things.

I have that need.

We have some clients thats request this, to at least playback atmos during approval which as we discussed prior is always a downmix that I make with fairlight/resolve.

Finishing this in flame and loading atmos master files would be great…

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Considering we don’t have audio metadata tagging yet then I am not holding high hopes.

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Resurrecting to say I need this too

Does Resolve have it?

It sure does!

Make sure to add information to this request so we can track the demand:

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Added to the feature request - noting that Netflix UK deliverables are now Atmos only.

Dolby Atmos support is only worth it if you can also properly author IMFs from Flame as well.

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Hi Adam, I don’t agree I’m afraid - there are lots of times I need a final mix without needing to author/playback an IMF.

Thanks Gareth for updating the Flame Feedback. Keeping us up-to-date with your workflow requirements is key so we can stay in sync with your guys.

Up to now,we have not add many request for this format. But we will see what could be done for future updates of our products.

What is your current workflow since we do not support Dolby Atmos?

Hi Stephane,

thanks for your reply - I have emailed you a more detailed breakdown of our workflows.

Gareth Parry

Very good!

There may be a simpler solution than full support for ADM in Flame.

If you load the ADM master into the external Dolby Atmos renderer, it can follow an LTC signal received from any app, and Dolby provides the LTC Generator VST/AAX plugin for that purpose. It’s just the audible version of the LTC. It has to be mapped to one of the 128 tracks (127 is the norm, but not set in stone) and the render has to know which channel to look for.

In short, a small development effort to allow to send TC information from timeline playback via the Dolby Atmos API to the external renderer would allow you to playback ADM files in sync with Flame. Much less effort than supporting an entirely new and very complex audio format.

Wouldn’t help on Linux, but as long as you have a Mac in the studio, it will run the external renderer, and it has a network API AFAIK, so doesn’t have to run on the same system.

I can add that note to the feature request if you’d like?

PS: Resolve is not a fair comparison, because it’s a fully featured DAW and now has an internal version of the Dolby renderer, similar to ProTools and Nuendo. Adding that to Flame would be an unreasonable request.

Also happy to test if such development takes place. My Mac runs Flame and a full Dolby Atmos 7.1.4 mixing setup via ProTools and Nuendo and has the external Renderer installed.

Baselight can deal with atmos and it doesnt have a DAW component. I know this cause i have delivered shows for netflix. Wanted to use Flame, but no love…