Effects Tab/Image node - how to add custom nodes to the node bin?

I want to add my commonly used MXs to the node bin in Image. I can create a new tab for nodes but if I drag a node into the bin, it just gets trashed from the schematic. Is there a modifier key I’m supposed to use?

Hi Greg,

Adding nodes to the Project and User bin of Batch use the functionality of dragging and dropping.

The other bins do not support this functionality and you get the expected result of a node being deleted if you drag it below the schematic.

However extra Matchbox nodes can be visible in the node bin if you place them in the specific shader directory. Just go to your preferences and look at the Matchbox Shader path. If you place your shaders anywhere else, you will only be able to call them up via the generic matchbox menu.

This is how you can get any Matchbox shader to appear in the Matchbox bin.


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Thanks Grant!